Access Mac Os X

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In Mac OS X, you can connect to servers that use the AppleShare, SMB, WebDAV, and NFS protocols. If the volume has guest access, select Guest instead.

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  4. On my previous MBP (2012 Unibody, Windows 7, OSX 10.11.6), I was able to see my Mac HD when I was working in Boot Camp. I couldn't write to it, but I could transfer files from it. However, my new Bootcamp installation (Windows 10 Education on 2019 MBP, OSX 10.14.6) does not show the Mac HD when I'm in Windows.
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In Mac OS X, you can connect to servers that use the AppleShare, SMB, WebDAV, and NFS protocols.

Mac file sharing (AppleShare)

To connect to an AppleShare server:

  1. With the Finder active, from the Go menu,select Connect to Server... Alternatively, with theFinder active, press Command-k.
  2. In the Connect to Server window that opens, type the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the server. Click Connect.
  3. In the authentication window that appears, type your username andpassword for the server. If the volume has guest access, selectGuest instead. Click Connect.
  4. Select the volume of the server and click OK.

Windows file sharing (SMB)

Note: Video not working on imac. Because SMB traffic at Indiana University isfiltered, you may not access campus SMB servers from off campus unlessyou are using VPN.


To connect to an SMB server:

  1. With the Finder active, from the Go menu, selectConnect to Server... Alternatively, with the Finderactive, press Command-k.
  2. In the Connect to Server window that opens, next tothe 'Address:' field, type smb://, followed by thefully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the server, aforward slash, and then the name of the shared volume (e.g.,smb://

    Note: Windows server administrators should havereverse DNS registration for Windows servers accessed by Mac or Unixsystems.

  3. Click Connect.
  4. In the authentication window that appears, type your username andpassword for the server. You may also be asked to specify the domainwhere the server is located. For most servers at IU, useADS. Click OK.
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To connect to an SMB server:

  1. With the Finder active, from the Go menu, selectConnect to Server... Alternatively, with the Finderactive, press Command-k.
  2. In the Connect to Server window that opens, next tothe 'Address:' field, type smb://, followed by thefully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the server, aforward slash, and then the name of the shared volume (e.g.,smb://

    Note: Windows server administrators should havereverse DNS registration for Windows servers accessed by Mac or Unixsystems.

  3. Click Connect.
  4. In the authentication window that appears, type your username andpassword for the server. You may also be asked to specify the domainwhere the server is located. For most servers at IU, useADS. Click OK.


Access Mac Os Partition From Windows

To connect to a WebDAV server:

  1. With the Finder active, from the Go menu, selectConnect to Server... Alternatively, with the Finderactive, press Command-k.
  2. In the Connect to Server window that opens, type theURL of the WebDAV shared volume (e.g.,http://server.address/).
  3. Click Connect.
  4. In the authentication window that appears, type your username andpassword for the server, and then click OK.


To connect to an NFS server:

Access Mac Os Extended Drive From Pc

  1. With the Finder active, from the Go menu, selectConnect to Server... Alternatively, with the Finderactive, press Command-k.
  2. In the Connect to Server window that opens, next tothe 'Address:' field, type nfs://, followed by thefully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of the server, aforward slash, and then the path of the exported share (e.g.,nfs://
  3. Click Connect.
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